A passionate speaker, writer and author of ‘Extravagant Life to Extravagant Love’. Angela lives in Queensland Australia with her husband, Son and two dogs. As a daughter of a British Lord and from one of the wealthiest families in England, she’s lived a life most only ever dream of, yet she loves to roll up her sleeves, put her boots on and get stuck into what’s really valuable in life. People. She is the founder of a number of charities including ‘Embrace Warwickshire’ that has been reaching out to the sex workers of Coventry, England since 2008. She is passionate about showing that God’s love is extravagant, and that kindness can change the world.


“I was about to enter a very different world from the one I had known all my life, and I would be lying if I said that I was feeling comfortable and confident about it. Yet my feet kept pushing me forward because I knew there was a purpose for me being here. I couldn’t imagine a world where pure love does not exist, where love is merely transactional. I had to see this world for myself.”

Entering the red-light areas of England’s most violent cities is not somewhere people usually dream of venturing. However, for Angela, this became her reality.

Born into one of the wealthiest families in England, and the daughter of a British lord, Angela journeys between ballgowns to boots and gives us an intimate, honest and somewhat humorous behind-the-scenes look into the dichotomies of living between two opposite worlds.

In confronting her own Hollywood glamorised portrayal of prostitution. Angela discovered a desperate world with many hidden faces. Her commitment to show extravagant love not only changed their lives but hers too.

This book is a challenging and powerful reminder that we each have a divine purpose: to love humankind just as Jesus did—with extravagance.


I hope this book will be an encouragement for you as you read it, and you'll experience God's extravagant love for yourself.


Don't take our word, see our testimonials

This story swerves off the beaten track onto a road much less travelled. It’s filled with not just a search for true riches, but the actual finding of them. That’s what makes this a rare story. It’s beyond a quest. It’s an arriving. And it’s an arriving that’s not just for Angela, it’s for you too if you dare.

Dave Gilpin, Author & Pastor

Friend, Confidante, Cheerleader, Perspective shifter. These are just a few of the loving and truthful labels that I would use to describe Angela. This book will take you alongside her on a journey of discovery and freedom as she honestly and vulnerably shares her heart and her story of identity, freedom and becoming her true self. Embrace the journey with her, it’s an amazing story.

Bronwen Healy, Author & Public Speaker


Discover God’s Extravagant Love


Last year I suddenly became daring. I went from happily living my life to pursuing extreme experiences and embracing life to the full.  Somehow, the lights had turned on and I realised time is not waiting for me, it’s ticking by fast and I had better pick up the pace to achieve all the things …

It’s been almost two months since my book was released and it’s been quite an active time since; from being invited onto radio shows, Facebook lives, international podcasts to book signings and I’ve even preached a few times too. In that time, I’ve also lost 16 kilos (since July), walked 10 kilometres a day, started …

Williams Family

You know when you’ve waited so long for a special day to finally come? You’ve prepared all you can for the big event and the day finally arrives, yet you still feel so unprepared? Well, that’s how I feel going into my book launch this week. I have dreamed about launching a book for over …

“I can’t believe i’ve done it” I am sure this is a statement that most first time authors say when they finally hold their finished book in their hands.  They were certainly the words that came to my mind.  Writing a book for many people is a bucket list item that few ever begin let …